Friday, November 11, 2011

Blank Cheque

I left a blank cheque in the drawer.
Pick it up, use your ink and fill
The zeroes in. But, remember I filled
The ones and the twos when I was there.

Its a life of strange zeroes and blanks,
The nothing makes it all and the primes 
Just crumble along the way.But, remember
I filled the ones and the twos when I was there.

When the shroud covers the limbs and the
Soul consecrated, you will be there to 
Throw the roses in the grave. But, remember
Who filled the ones and the twos when I was there.

The shots and the shoots, the rhythm and the blues
All come together in this short flash of a life.
Just a flash and then your face and then... Will you
Remember who filled the ones and the twos when I was there?

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